АНО ДПО "Национальный институт биомедицины и спорта"

English version

History of the Laboratory 

Our Laboratory was founded on the basis of the All-Russia Scientific Research Institute for Physical Culture ARSRIPC) on 1 February 2002 as a Laboratory of Social Programs and Issues of State Regulation in Physical Culture and Sport. The Laboratory was renamed into the Laboratory of Physical Culture Problems on 1 June 2003 and into the Laboratory of Physical Culture Issues For Adults - on 1 April 2004. The Laboratory was finally reorganized into the Laboratory of Physical Culture and Practical Psychology on 1 November 2005. 

The Laboratory has been headed for all this time by Olga Tiunova, PhD in Education, associate professor, member of the academic council of the Institute, member of the Russian Psychological Society (RPS), member of the International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP). 

Technologies applied by the Laboratory are based on an integral estimate and correction of physical and psychological health of a modern human. For a number of decades specialists of the Laboratory have been successfully developing mass physical culture and sports in this country, participating in state federal purpose programs related to solution of social issues of the Russian broad population. The Laboratory has developed two Russian Federal Standards (GOST R 52024-2003) and (GOST R 52025-2003) for health and sports services. 

There has been experience accumulated in health improving physical culture and high performance sports as well as in practical and sport psychology sufficient to penetrate and complement technologies of individual’s psychophysical state optimization. This may mean both the peculiar inclusion of sport experience in physical and psychological training of common people and vice versa the use of effective self building techniques, customized programs for physical and psychic recovery in work with highly qualified athletes. 

In accordance with Order No. 777 dated 27 November 2006 issued by the Russian Federal Agency for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism a Psychological Services Center for Highly Qualified Athletes was established within the framework of the Laboratory of Physical Culture and Practical Psychology on 1 March 2007.  

All the Laboratory members have good experience in dealing with highly qualified athletes and other personally or socially goal-oriented people. 

We look forward to cooperation and believe in success of our work! 

Scope of Business

Types of Work: 

  • development of industry-specific standards; 
  • scientific expertise; 
  • training of personnel 

Introduction of  Research Results and Advanced Experience into: 

  • professional applied training 

Forms of Practical Work: 

  • development of individual and group programs, methodological recommendations; 
  • carrying out of classes, practices, trainings; 

Psychological Services to Highly Qualified Athletes 

Consistent Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Sports Training 

Main forms and fields of work (live and distance work): 

1. psychological diagnostics and provision of objective information of personality characteristics and innate resources of an athlete, including on-line testing; 

2.    consulting on: 

-        sport psychology issues; 

-        a wide range of everyday, universal human and other non sport related issues; 

3.    sport results prediction on the basis of personal bests analyzed in retrospect; 

4.    selection of information on sport psychology, self training, self improvement and self evolution; 

5.    development of individual programs for: 

-        psychological training for crucial competitions; 

-        correction of unfavorable states; 

6.    individual psychological training in self adjustment, concentration, capacity building techniques, including with the use of special biological control software; 

7.    distance monitoring of a psychological and physical state of an athlete and its correction; 

8.    psychological support in an emergency (a Сall Сenter); 

9.    resolution of conflicts at levels: 

-        sportsman – sportsman; 

-        sportsman – team; 

-        sportsman – coach; 

10.  at a competitive stage: 

-        pre-starting psychological training; 

-        psychological support during games; 

-        post-game analysis (together with an athlete and his/her coach) of wins and defeats 

Additional Work with a Team: 

  • group conversations on issues of interest to a team; 
  • training in self adjustment, concentration, capacity building and others. 

Note: the above mentioned types of work can be realized in any scope and combination, depending on a particular aim of sports training.  

Сonsulting on various issues of a training session: 

  • we assist to estimate a training and competition load level,
  • we train to keep a consistent exercise record;
  • we make corrections to a program of unassisted training exercises in accordance with basic methodical principles in sports training 

Рsychological support in everyday crisis situations 

Sportsman Social Adjustment Project: 

  • testing with an emphasis on a profession orientation; 
  • preparation of software for self study; 
  • provision of conditions for training as a sport psychologist. 

Forms of Collaboration with Coaches, Sport Physicians and Psychologists: 

1.    selection of psychologists for a team; 

2.    expert evaluation of psychological techniques offered for use or already employed in teams; 

3.    supervision, advising, scientific methodological consultations; 

4.    provision of subject related information; 

5.    consulting on: 

-        psychological training of sportsmen; 

-        relations among team members; 

-        own professional fulfillment; 

6.    preparation of methodological recommendations (booklets, information materials and others); 

7.    regular provision of information on possibilities of consistent psychological and pedagogical support of sports training and use of special equipment for diagnostics and correction of a psychophysical state of athletes; 

8.    diagnostics of relations among team members 



A)          Consulting of professional athletes  

B)          Consulting of adolescent athletes: 

  • psychological testing (for more information see http://www.self-master-lab.ru/testing/psiho.html);
  • development of individual programs of psychological training for crucial competitions;
  • distance monitoring of a psychological and physical state of an athlete and its correction during crucial competitions or while in training camps;
  • at a competitive stage: 

-          pre-starting psychological training; 

-          psychological support during games and special video filming; 

-          a joint analysis of the experience of wins and defeats 

  • development of individual programs for correction of unfavorable states;
  • individual psychological training in self control, self adjustment, concentration, capacity building and others, including with the use of special biological control software (for more information see  http://www.self-master-lab.ru/coaching/trenpsihopod.html); 

C)          Consulting of parents of adolescent sportsmen: 

  • identification of basic and currently important life values of a child, the place of sports activity among other priorities of his development;
  • consultations on issues related to athletics motivation, psychological support, enhancement of mutual understanding and others;
  • consultations on issues related to selection by a child of s sports specialization and his further competitive career. 

D)          Consulting of coaches on: 

  • Psychological training of athletes, including 

= expert evaluation of psychological techniques offered for use or already employed in teams; 

  • formation of relations among team members, including 

= enhancement of efficiency of a training session subject to individual psychological characteristics of a sportsman (team); 

=resolution of conflict situations arising at coach – sportsman, coach – team levels; 

  • own professional self-fulfillment, including; 

=enhancement of efficiency of professional self fulfillment; 

=assistance in preparation of research and practice publication, planning and conducting of an own thesis research; 

=overcoming of professional crisis and prevention of professional burnout. 

E)          Consulting of those who are not related to sports, but set highly significant personal or social goals: 

  • Identification of basic and currently important life values, development priorities;
  • Profound psychological testing;
  • Development of individual programs of psychological correction and professional applied training;
  • Individual psychological training in self adjustment, concentration, capacity building and others, including with the use of special biological control software;
  • Implementation of packaged methods of personal identity, identity self-organization and self-building;
  • Development of complex programs employing means of physical culture and practical psychology. 

The Laboratory is interested in instruments, products and technologies which can be incorporated into the work of our Laboratory  

We are especially interested in: 

  • means of diagnostics of a physical and psychological state of a physical culturist or a sportsman; 
  • planning and programming technologies of a physical and/or psychological training process; 
  • compact devices for individual physical or mental (psychological) training at home; 
  • technologies capable of imitating training conditions in a relatively small space; 
  • instruments, software for prompt control of a physical or psychological state of a person in the course of a task oriented sports training. 

We can: 

1)    provide sports equipment developers with an overview of the Russian market (demand, potential consumer interests and competition and others);  

2)    provide an expert evaluation and prepare a writing opinion on effectiveness of an offered product or technology on condition that this technology (models) is given to us for use under no obligation to return it; 

3)    customize your technologies/instruments to approach Russian consumers (we are expected to absorb a particular technology, participate in translation of manuals, including their methodological finalization allowing a consumer to understand all important training related possibilities of this product); 

4)    act as a distributor of particular products and technologies in Russia, in addition, we have established good working relations with sport science specialists in Kazakhstan, so they can sell your products there.



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